PAROT Privacy Statement

Last Updated 23 September 2024

Information for individuals
We collect personal information from your school, including information about your:
We also collect information from you about your:

For Google logins: We collect your personal information only to provide schools with tools to help with student progress, attendance and achievement.

Providing some information is optional. If information is not provided, we'll be unable to provide all or some of this service.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong.

If you'd like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us through your school, or email us at

Information for Schools
We collect personal information about your school’s students, including information about their:
We also collect information from students and teachers when they log into our site about their:
We collect this personal information only to provide your school with tools to help with student progress, attendance and achievement. It is not used in any other way, and will never be sold or shared with any third parties without first seeking permission from your school.

Data Storage
We keep all information safe by ensuring all traffic to and from our servers is encrypted and only allowing those that need to access to have access.
All data is stored on AWS servers in Australia.
We will not share data with any third parties without first seeking permission from the school, and this would only be done to improve the service provided to the school.

Data Retention
Data will be kept for the duration of the contract with the school, unless a deletion is requested.
Upon the termination of the contract with the school, data will be deleted 8 weeks after the termination of the contract, unless a request is made to keep the data.

Data Breach
If we experience a data breach, the primary contact at all schools will be informed, regardless if their school was part of the breach or not.
Where a school’s data has been accessed in an unauthorised manner, full details of the breach and what data was impacted will be provided to the affected schools.

For more information see the P.A.R.O.T. website.